Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Mia getting better

Mia is back at day care today after having a day off yesterday.  She had developed a rash on Sunday that appeared on her chest, back and a little bit on her face.  We were worried and I took her to the doctors yesterday morning.  The doctor seemed to think that the rash was a side effect of the medication she was taking and told me to keep her off day care just to keep an eye on her. Mia actually said bye bye to the doctor today.  It's so funny hearing her little voice. 

Mia seemed her normal self but a bit more of a handful today.  Maybe she was bored and wanted to play with all the other kids at day care??  I gave her a proper kids meal today, fish shapes (bit like fish fingers) and beans.  She loves beans.  Oh and she has developed a new sign herself for the word 'please'.  When me or Damien say "say please" she puts her fist up to her chin.  Not sure where that has come from, but her little signs are always a variation on something I have done in the past.  It doesn't matter what the sign is, as long as she understands it and can communicate with Mummy and Daddy.

I start work on 23rd June!!  I can't believe I have had 17 months off on maternity leave - it will be such a shock to me to go back to work.  I will be working shifts, mainly day and really early morning shifts, so hopefully it will work out with Mia.  We will just have to see how it all goes and how we all adapt to it.  

We're getting excited this week as Gran and Grandad are coming over to visit us!  Can't believe we haven't seen them since October.  It doesn't feel that long because we see them quite regularly on Skype but of course it's not the same as in person is it?  They will be getting lots and lots of sloppy kisses from Mia and plenty of hugs and cuddles.  Mia is getting into hugs I think.  She came up to me yesterday and sort of fell into my arms - I think she was trying to give me a big cuddle.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Bye bye

Mia said Bye Bye for the first time today.  She is also getting over her ear infection that had been troubling her last week.  Her temperature at one stage was 38.9, which is extremely high for a toddler and very worrying.  She felt really hot and all she wanted to do was flop her head onto my shoulder and try and sleep.  Thankfully it was nothing more serious than an ear infection and should be completely gone within a few days.  Her medicine is apparently raspberry flavoured and she absolutely loves it - always asking for more!!