Monday, 24 December 2007

Mia’s first steps

The big news for today is that Mia took 4 ½ steps all on her own. She’s done a couple of steps before but this time she seemed to hold her balance a lot better. She is just getting stronger and stronger by the day. It’s great for her as she was getting a bit frustrated at not being able to get around under her own steam. She is still not quite crawling yet either but sometimes she nearly gets there, does a little wobble then flops down on her belly.

Oh and we discovered a dead cicada on our balcony today – and yes I’m sorry I took a picture of it for you!!

We took Mia swimming in the apartment pool yesterday afternoon. She was a little bit wary at first and was holding onto me for dear life then gradually she begin splashing, then before you know it, she was laughing and smashing the water covering both me and Damien and absolutely loving it. She seemed to like it when one of us held her on her stomach and the other swam up to her. All you could see was this big toothy grin and two little hands smashing the surface of the water.

We are getting quite excited now for Christmas especially as it is Mia’s first one. We’ve got loads of presents for her and we can’t wait to see her little face when she starts to open them. I know she will only be interested in the wrapping paper but that’s fine. She just loves bits of paper.

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