Thursday, 31 January 2008

There’s something fishy going on

Me and Mia went to Oceanworld in Manly today. The highlight there is the nurse sharks. You can walk through a tunnel that goes through the large tank full of sharks, stingrays, turtles and other kinds of fish. Mia just stared at the sharks as they swam towards her, she didn’t really react to them, just kept pointing at them as they swam overhead. One of the sharks was called Mia!!

Mia seemed to enjoy the smaller fish in the other tanks though. She even made a friend. This little friendly fellow kept squashing himself against the glass as Mia got closer and closer to the tank. These fish were more colourful and I think they caught her eye more.

We sat down in the arena bit upstairs and watched the reptile show, which was basically a guy telling us all about Australian reptiles. They got out a baby crocodile for us to touch, but Mia wouldn’t touch it. She kept pulling her hand away. We saw a funnel web spider and a few brown snakes. It was a nice day, just messing around watching the fish swimming about in their tanks.

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