Monday, 7 April 2008

First day at Nursery #2

Took Mia to nursery #2 today and she burst into tears as soon as I tried to leave.  It was heartbreaking but by the time I had dropped the pushchair off upstairs near the office and had come back down, she wasn't really crying.  One of the carers had taken her off to change her nappy and was singing to Mia to distract her. 

I rang the nursery at just after noon to see how she was getting on and apparently she had only eaten 4 spoonfuls of lunch, had only a 10 minute sleep in the morning (she normally has at least an hour) and wasn't really drinking her milk.  They didn't seem worried though, telling me that it is all normal etc.  I picked up her at 2.30pm and they said she had done really well and had not really cried but obviously was upset most of the day on and off, in between playing with new toys and the other kids.  

When I got there, she was having her nappy changed again and it took a couple of seconds before she realised it was her mummy coming to collect her and then when she did, her bottom lip went and she got a little bit upset.  Poor thing seemed quite relieved I had come for her.  

Mia was perfectly happy on the way home though, playing peek-a-boo with me from the pushchair as we walked home and seemed her normal self when we got home.  Not the clingy Mia we had had last week.  She went straight off to sleep tonight wearing her new pyjamas.

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