Thursday, 29 May 2008

Pass the salt!

We have now bought Mia a little table and chair for her to sit at instead of putting her in the highchair.  She doesn't sit at a highchair at nursery so we thought we would try a table and chair at home as well and see how we get on.  So far she seems to really like it and she hasn't thrown as much food or as many spoons over the side onto the floor.  So at least for me, it is a lot less mess to clean up after mealtimes.  She does get up and wander around the kitchen sometimes though in between courses, but that's fine as she only wanders over to the fridge or cupboard to point at the food that she wants!!  Usually yoghurts, grapes or cookies.

At nursery they are learning more about animals and noises and sing songs every day.  The current favourite is 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' but they do like to sing 'The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round' as well.  

Mia has started to say the word "shoe" and see can say her name as well. She understands far more words though - here's a little list of them:

Elephant; Giraffe; Monkey; Puppy; Shoes; Coat; wipe your nose/mouth/hands; nappy change; brush your teeth; sit down; drink your water/milk; give to mummy/daddy; can mummy/daddy have a kiss; spoon in (makes her eat); more; eat; breakfast; dinner; pushchair; dog; bird; cat; iggle piggle & upsy daisy; mouse; 

When asked what noise does a sheep make - she answers Baa!  And does various signs for different words.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Friday, 9 May 2008

Tooth number 11 has made an appearance

Mia now has her third molar coming through. It must have been causing her a bit of pain last night as she just wouldn't settle and again it was like someone had left the tap on in her mouth! Her top AND vest underneath were soaking and she just point blank refuses to let us change her nappy.  

Mia has had her last day at the nursery that we didn't like, they said they were sorry to see her go because she has been wonderful to look after. There was a little boy at that nursery who just wouldn't leave Mia alone, everywhere she went he followed her apparently.  They cuddled a few times but the carers told me that most of the time Mia just tried to swipe him away!!?  Would loved to have seen all that going on.  

A couple of times this past week, we've gone in to check on Mia whilst she is sleeping and she has managed to get one of her arms out of her pyjamas and then gone back to sleep!  Very odd.  I think she likes undressing but sometimes not so keen on dressing again.  But she loves to put on her coat and shoes.  She really helps me to dress her - well... when she is in the mood for it!

It's mother's day this sunday, so will wait and see what Mia has planned for me!

Friday, 2 May 2008

Five days at one nursery

The good news is that we have been offered that vital fifth day at the day care centre that we prefer so from the start of 12th May, Mia will be going to one nursery for five days a week.  What a relief.  We are pretty happy about that because now she can just get used to the carers and children at one place and stay settled.  

The other place is really beginning to get on our nerves now.  Mia comes home smelling of the place - it's awful.  They still can't get her to eat her lunch and she always seems to come home tired because she has not had much of a sleep there.  They don't fill in the report sheets in Mia's book either, so I never know exactly when she has slept and what she has ate.  I do ask them when I pick her up, but I would like it written down so I can remember as they don't always verbally tell me the times she has slept or ate.  So sometimes she is not hungry for her tea at 5pm, which is frustrating or she is really really tired and we have to put her to bed early, which invariably means, she wakes up early and is really hungry, thereby messing the next day up again!  Anyway, that experience will soon be over. 

Mia has got some lovely new clothes sent to her by her Great Auntie Jan - they are gorgeous.  A lovely pink and brown tracksuit, so here's a little picture of her in it.