Thursday, 29 May 2008

Pass the salt!

We have now bought Mia a little table and chair for her to sit at instead of putting her in the highchair.  She doesn't sit at a highchair at nursery so we thought we would try a table and chair at home as well and see how we get on.  So far she seems to really like it and she hasn't thrown as much food or as many spoons over the side onto the floor.  So at least for me, it is a lot less mess to clean up after mealtimes.  She does get up and wander around the kitchen sometimes though in between courses, but that's fine as she only wanders over to the fridge or cupboard to point at the food that she wants!!  Usually yoghurts, grapes or cookies.

At nursery they are learning more about animals and noises and sing songs every day.  The current favourite is 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' but they do like to sing 'The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round' as well.  

Mia has started to say the word "shoe" and see can say her name as well. She understands far more words though - here's a little list of them:

Elephant; Giraffe; Monkey; Puppy; Shoes; Coat; wipe your nose/mouth/hands; nappy change; brush your teeth; sit down; drink your water/milk; give to mummy/daddy; can mummy/daddy have a kiss; spoon in (makes her eat); more; eat; breakfast; dinner; pushchair; dog; bird; cat; iggle piggle & upsy daisy; mouse; 

When asked what noise does a sheep make - she answers Baa!  And does various signs for different words.

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