Monday, 10 March 2008

Day care for Mia

We've managed to get two days for Mia at the child care centre that I really liked and two days at the other child care centre.  So that means I now have to get onto the task of finding myself a job. 

It's going to be really hard leaving Mia in the care of someone else for 4 days a week, but I suppose it has to be done.  She'll love it, when she settles in.  There'll be other children to play with and other toys to 'sort' into piles!!  I hope she eats the food that they give her and that they help her use her spoon.  She will start on her first day on 18th March and then she'll just go for one or two days whilst her granny and uncle dan are visiting then she'll start at the other place.

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